சில சம்பவங்களால் மனம் வித்யாசமாய் சிந்திக்கும் வேளையில் பல கேள்விகளுக்கு விடை கிடைக்காமல் இருக்கும். எனக்கு எப்போதாதவது இப்படி தோன்றும்.அன்று ஏனோ கோவிலுக்குச் சென்று சற்று அமைதி தேட மனம் அழைந்தது. நல்ல தரிசனம் சிறிது நேரம் குருக்கள் சொல்லும் மந்திரங்களைக் கேட்டுக் கொண்டிருந்தேன். அவர் தீபம் காண்பித்தவுடன் எனதருகில் இருந்தோர் 10ரூ நோட்டுகளை தட்டில் போட்டனர். நான் அரிதாக தான் சில்லறைகளைப் போடுவதுண்டு. திரும்பி குருக்கள் தட்டில் பூ, பழங்களோடு வந்தார். நான் நினைத்தது நடந்தது. 10ரூ போட்டவர்களுக்கு பூ பழமும் , எனக்கும் மற்ற சிலருக்கும் பூ மட்டும் கொடுத்தார். நான் எதையும் எதிர்பார்க்கவில்லை என்றாலும் இந்நிகழ்வு என்னுள் சற்று சலனத்தை ஏற்படுத்தியது. தமிழகத்தின் பெரிய கோவில்களில் கொடுக்கும் பணத்திற்க்கேற்ப சுவாமிக்கு அருகிலோ தொலைவிலோ(!?) அனுமதிக்கப்படுவர். ஏன் இந்த ஏற்றத்தாழ்வு கோவில்களிலும்? பணத்திர்க்கேர்ப்பதான் இவ்வுலகில் எல்லாம் நடைபெறும் என்றாலும் சன்னதிகளிலும் இவ்வாறு நடைபெற வேண்டுமா?
கோவிலைப்பற்றி சொல்லும்போது இன்னொரு சேதி நினைவிற்கு வருகிறது. சில மாதங்களுக்கு முன் நடைபெற்ற உயிரிழப்பு,நந்தா தேவி கோவிலில் கூட்ட நெரிசலால். நம்மை காக்க வேண்டிய தெய்வம் முன்நிலையில் இப்படி நடைப்பெற்றது ஒரு நிமிடம் தெய்வம் இருக்கிறதா இல்லையா என்ற கேள்வி எழச்செய்கிறது. விடைதான் தெரியவில்லை!!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Save earth
Global warming- one term that symbolizes- we human make way for the destruction of globe in near future. In short environment around us needs preservation.

If not the whole world we shall start preserving energy by:
Carry 2, 3 plastic bags in your handbag.
Plastic bags and other plastic garbage thrown into the ocean kill as many as 1,000,000 sea creatures every year.
Switch off the monitor when not in use.
A laptop is more environment friendly than a desktop. It consumes five times less electricity.
Use 1 ,2 tissue papers instead of wasting a lot.
Tissue paper is a major source of waste. It takes 60,00,000 trees to make 1 year's worth of tissues for the world.
Use fluorescent lamps instead of incandescent bulbs
Energy-saving lightbulbs last around ten times longer than ordinary lightbulbs- over 10,000 hours.
Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth and soaping your hands.
Can save around 16 litres a day. That's 11,000 litre of water per person per year.
Start now … let us save the environment save earth... giving way for the future generation to lead their life.

If not the whole world we shall start preserving energy by:
Carry 2, 3 plastic bags in your handbag.
Plastic bags and other plastic garbage thrown into the ocean kill as many as 1,000,000 sea creatures every year.
Switch off the monitor when not in use.
A laptop is more environment friendly than a desktop. It consumes five times less electricity.
Use 1 ,2 tissue papers instead of wasting a lot.
Tissue paper is a major source of waste. It takes 60,00,000 trees to make 1 year's worth of tissues for the world.
Use fluorescent lamps instead of incandescent bulbs
Energy-saving lightbulbs last around ten times longer than ordinary lightbulbs- over 10,000 hours.
Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth and soaping your hands.
Can save around 16 litres a day. That's 11,000 litre of water per person per year.
Start now … let us save the environment save earth... giving way for the future generation to lead their life.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Suddenly got scared on the way to home when a high speed car passed by. That driver was continuously blowing the horn that irritated me, when it crossed only a very little gap was there between the car and me. Highly frustrated, i thought 'If i have a video camera i can take a proof of this and complaint against him'. Though it sounds foolish i face this problem daily and horn sounds in traffic make me scary. People in car dont even bother about the pedestrians, they need not do so atleast slow down in residential areas letting others also use road. Only then we can walk on road without fear of death. Otherwise people like me will suffer with Ochophobia(fear of vehicles-googled). Till now i m not out of that bayangara incident.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Letter to my Friends
Usually weekend is spent with tv, theatres, junk foods in K.., Pizaa…, Mc.., new places. But meeting friends…?very rarely. Most of the time I feel I miss something. All these worries came to an end when we had a get together. When our friend got engaged everyone of us might have thought – one or two will miss this meet surely saying work pressure/ some other grumpy reason. But all of us have taken 2 days off to attend the function. This doesn’t happen frequently. The 5 days we spent together. I’ll say we went back to our college days with no feel that we were departed.
Gift searching, ticket booking for movies, prize in theatre, hotel searching for briyani in 2 autos, meeting friends in marriage hall.... n so on All are memorable events. When will this happen again?!! May be in one of us’ marriage. At times we need this meet to rejuvenate ourselves. Sometimes I think we were together for 4 years, we departed with sweet sorrow saying ‘Keep in touch’. But how long this keep in touch works out. Happy that even though we stay apart we are ‘In touch’ by everyone wishing for other’s birthday and we care for each other. Hope this will go a long way and….. see u again.
Loving friend
Gift searching, ticket booking for movies, prize in theatre, hotel searching for briyani in 2 autos, meeting friends in marriage hall.... n so on All are memorable events. When will this happen again?!! May be in one of us’ marriage. At times we need this meet to rejuvenate ourselves. Sometimes I think we were together for 4 years, we departed with sweet sorrow saying ‘Keep in touch’. But how long this keep in touch works out. Happy that even though we stay apart we are ‘In touch’ by everyone wishing for other’s birthday and we care for each other. Hope this will go a long way and….. see u again.
Loving friend
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Gift of Nature
5 days work, 2 days rest by getting rid of mails, meetings, bugs, fixes…. Wanna have a break. So we family n friends had been to places around Shimoga, a 6-hour journey from Bangalore. A week before the trip only we were anxious about it. On a Thursday night, in horrible Bangalore traffic we somehow traveled 15 km from our place and reached the station in 3 hrs. By 12 at midnight we started for Shimoga and reached at 6 next morning.
When we came out of the station cool breeze touched us that made us feel fresh. A decent room of reasonable rent was arranged, we refreshed, got into the vehicle by around 9am. The vehicle started moving away, the greenish surroundings remained me of Kerala.
On the way chatting, munching snacks, singing songs in almost all Indian languages brought us to the enjoyment mood. At a 100 km, our first visit was to Kuempu, the great kannada poet’s home. The surrounding was entirely different with huge rock like stones with which his samathi was built. Anxious friends fell down many times in the slippery hill coz of all time rain. A narrow road led to the poet’s home, wow beautiful lawn, benches in stone, entirely surrounded with trees.
We dint
miss to capture in our camera a cute butterfly on an orange flower. It was amazing to view the home, which is being maintained, as a museum. The home is filled with memories of his life in a 45-member family, materials used by them. Sitting in a room he might have written poetry by admiring nature through the windows. It was astonishing to see a library with most of the books written by him, his doctorates from a number of universities. After roaming around we came down the hill and had ok kind of lunch we generally experience in all tourist spots.
The next spot was Sirimane falls in an hour travel. The vehicle stopped after climbing a particular point and from there we walked up for 2 km crossing leech which sticked with most of us. That was amazing fast falling water with banging sound. Being wet we returned back to see sharadamba temple at sringeri. This famous temple is at 20 km from the falls towards shimoga. Had dharshan at this quite a big temple, roamed around the place for few minutes. Then came back to the room to rest ourselves, the whole day enjoyment made us tired physically.
The next day plan was to visit jog falls and a forest on the way. Started by 9am, reached a forest near Sagar at 30 km
from Shimoga. We were put in a vehicle to have Lion n Tiger safari. It was a bit different experience to see 7-8 tiger and lion, deer with n without dots, bear. That was a 15 min safari. Other animals and birds as in zoos and sanctuaries were also there. Suddenly one of us was shouting ‘come fast…’, we reached immediately. It was a scene of a dancing peacock with its pair nearby, such a rare scene that anyone would get to see. Dots allover the feather in blue and green, seeing God’s extra ordinary designing made our tiredness vanish in a second. At least 100s of flashes lighted in all our cameras.
Having finished our lunch, the next move was towards the most awaited Jog falls. The whole day rain, added extra spice to our journey. Roads were with little curves, bents and greenish on both sides. The happiness we felt at this moment with the beautiful weather cant be expressed in words. This waterfall, 70 km away from Shimoga was falling with great speed, need to go 2 km down the hill to take bath. The hill was soon surrounded with mist and a group photo session was conducted with lots of fun, a memorable picture forever.
We went on the other side of the fall where we can stand under a shed to view the hill on one side and fall on the other. When it started raining heavily it was time for us to leave the spot. Again we enjoyed all through the journey and returned to room, packed our things and reached station. That night we started for Bangalore, 2 days enjoyment came to an end. But it was worth an exciting journey and above all good companions made it great.
When we came out of the station cool breeze touched us that made us feel fresh. A decent room of reasonable rent was arranged, we refreshed, got into the vehicle by around 9am. The vehicle started moving away, the greenish surroundings remained me of Kerala.

The next day plan was to visit jog falls and a forest on the way. Started by 9am, reached a forest near Sagar at 30 km

Having finished our lunch, the next move was towards the most awaited Jog falls. The whole day rain, added extra spice to our journey. Roads were with little curves, bents and greenish on both sides. The happiness we felt at this moment with the beautiful weather cant be expressed in words. This waterfall, 70 km away from Shimoga was falling with great speed, need to go 2 km down the hill to take bath. The hill was soon surrounded with mist and a group photo session was conducted with lots of fun, a memorable picture forever.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Children of heaven

Once I have read the review of an Iranian movie ‘Children of heaven’. Since then I wanted to watch and that recently happened. The movie is all about the affection between two kids Ali and his sister Zahra from a poor family. Ali loses Zahra’s shoes. Knowing the family situation she doesn’t let her parents know about this rather they plan to share Ali’s shoes. She wears the shoes to the school and after her classes are over she runs faster to give it to Ali who is waiting on the way to his school.
When she comes to know that some other girl in her school wears her own shoes she follows her to find out her home. The touching scene is when both brother and sister knows that the other girl is poor they leave the place without asking her about the shoe.
Ali’s school announces a pair of shoes as third prize in a running race and he promises his sister that he would win the shoes. In the race he runs, runs thinking of the hardships Zahra faced with the tattered shoes. This made him run faster and faster. Ali is declared as the winner of the race.
What happens next? What did he tell her sister about the race? In the final scenes of the movie both the kids don’t even utter a word, they have given their wonderful performance with their facial expressions. The movie ends with a final shot showing the blisters on Ali’s feet.
The director has narrated the story with no much dialogue. All characters as very simple and honest, one such scene the little girl gives back the pen to Zahra when she left it on the road, portraying that she dint steal her shoes. This is a perfect movie for children. Mild background music, narrow Iranian streets, the poor family situation in the kids’ eyes and much more are there, everyone should watch this once.
When she comes to know that some other girl in her school wears her own shoes she follows her to find out her home. The touching scene is when both brother and sister knows that the other girl is poor they leave the place without asking her about the shoe.
Ali’s school announces a pair of shoes as third prize in a running race and he promises his sister that he would win the shoes. In the race he runs, runs thinking of the hardships Zahra faced with the tattered shoes. This made him run faster and faster. Ali is declared as the winner of the race.
What happens next? What did he tell her sister about the race? In the final scenes of the movie both the kids don’t even utter a word, they have given their wonderful performance with their facial expressions. The movie ends with a final shot showing the blisters on Ali’s feet.
The director has narrated the story with no much dialogue. All characters as very simple and honest, one such scene the little girl gives back the pen to Zahra when she left it on the road, portraying that she dint steal her shoes. This is a perfect movie for children. Mild background music, narrow Iranian streets, the poor family situation in the kids’ eyes and much more are there, everyone should watch this once.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Fruit custard delight

custard powder 2 tbsp
Milk 1/2l
Sugar 1 cup
Sugar 1 cup
Icecream -desired flavour
dry fruits
servings 5-6
Mix custard powder with 2 tbsp milk without lumps.
Add this to boiling milk n stir continuously
when it thickens add sugar , dry fruits to milk
Remove from fire when sugar is melted.
Refrigerate the custard for 6 hrs.
In a glass bowl add 1 tbsp cut fruits like apple,pomegranate
Add 1 tbsp custard over it .
Top it up with 1 scoop icecream .
Decorate it with a cherry.
Decorate it with a cherry.
Delicious Fruit custard delight is ready to serve.
Peace inside you

In this mechanical life we often hear the word Meditation. What is this all about? Will it solve our problems? answers the questions that were unanswered. What I would say is No. but one thing I can say is it reveals the peace inside you and shows the real happiness.
What is happiness?
To a 30 yr old guy growth in his career
To a teenager Fashion ‘n’ Friends
To a 50 yr old Uncle ‘n’ aunt their children’s future gives happiness and the definition fro happiness differs from people to people.
When we get settled in our career the next is the aspiration for promotion/salary hike. Then getting married to a guy/girl. Then kids and their future. Finally are we satisfied with all these? No. we want this, that and this is endless. Then what gives us satisfaction with this life and happiness? It is the peace inside us.
At least once in day we search for peace by listening to music or chatting with friends and family. All these are the peace we want to enjoy in this world around us. can we sit relaxed for sometime and search the peace inside us. Yes I mean to say about Meditation.
How to realize?
In our day to day life thousands of thoughts run in our mind which may be of past,future or present. Are these thoughts really required. Even during sleep the incidents that happened so far comes as dream disturbing the rest we physically get.
We need our mind also to relax. Meditation gives silence to our mind, putting bar to all other unnecessary thoughts. With at least 90 days of regular practice one can feel the silence in him and an individual himself cannot practice this. He should know what it is from a Guru. When the mind is focused on something involving oneself deeply with it, spirituality grows, concentration increases and the work we are engaged get completed successfully and one can easily feel the happiness which is attained because of the union of one’s mind and soul bringing an harmony with the omnipotent being.
Even our super star RajniKanth says that he practices Meditation and asks his fans also to do the same. Let us participate in Meditation, make it a part of our life and enjoy the Peace inside us.
What is happiness?
To a 30 yr old guy growth in his career
To a teenager Fashion ‘n’ Friends
To a 50 yr old Uncle ‘n’ aunt their children’s future gives happiness and the definition fro happiness differs from people to people.
When we get settled in our career the next is the aspiration for promotion/salary hike. Then getting married to a guy/girl. Then kids and their future. Finally are we satisfied with all these? No. we want this, that and this is endless. Then what gives us satisfaction with this life and happiness? It is the peace inside us.
At least once in day we search for peace by listening to music or chatting with friends and family. All these are the peace we want to enjoy in this world around us. can we sit relaxed for sometime and search the peace inside us. Yes I mean to say about Meditation.
How to realize?
In our day to day life thousands of thoughts run in our mind which may be of past,future or present. Are these thoughts really required. Even during sleep the incidents that happened so far comes as dream disturbing the rest we physically get.
We need our mind also to relax. Meditation gives silence to our mind, putting bar to all other unnecessary thoughts. With at least 90 days of regular practice one can feel the silence in him and an individual himself cannot practice this. He should know what it is from a Guru. When the mind is focused on something involving oneself deeply with it, spirituality grows, concentration increases and the work we are engaged get completed successfully and one can easily feel the happiness which is attained because of the union of one’s mind and soul bringing an harmony with the omnipotent being.
Even our super star RajniKanth says that he practices Meditation and asks his fans also to do the same. Let us participate in Meditation, make it a part of our life and enjoy the Peace inside us.
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